Moving house

As we are in the process of moving house within Brussels, I have been (and still am) a little too busy (and tired) to sit behind the computer to share our twin stories.

The boys are trying very hard to help with everything and are really excited. They thoroughly enjoyed pulling wallpaper of in the new house for instance and they seem very keen to help out painting walls…

Packing up our old belongings is proving to be a bit of a challenge. I am trying to explain to the boys that we are bringing everything. Still that does not reassure them. They insist on grabbing each toy and book in their bedroom and ask me: ‘Is this coming to the new house?’
And when I pack a box they often take things out again because even though they did not look at the item in weeks, now they really need to play with it.
So sorry for my absence here, and don’t worry, I am sure there will be plenty to share once we are a bit settled.