You can’t do anything right…

Raising toddlers is a challenge and you have to have a strong mind in order not to doubt yourself. Otherwise you will very quickly feel that you can’t do anything right…

This is what I heard this morning, all before 8:30 am.

-No, I don’t want warm milk today, I want it cold.
-No, not that sweater mommy. I want the one with the dinosaurs. (It’s in the laundry sweetie) WEEEEH!
-No, I want those pants. (points to the pants that his brother is wearing)
-I want the other shoes! (the ones that are from last year and too small) (how did he find those!?)
-I want to wear slippers to school.
-No socks today! (and he takes them off again)
-Nooo, not honey on a sandwich, I want it on a cracker!
-I want to wear it upside down (his jacket)
-No mommy, papa should take us.
-No banana, I want an orange. (throws it away)
-(Finally outside, on our way to school.) No wind mama, it’s not nice, stop it! (sure sweetie…)

I think that not getting depressed over so many negative remarks makes me a supermama. 😉