This post is especially for all the working-from-home parents . We live in different circumstances now and working from home while the kids run around is the new normal. But who can really work when your children are running around. So you try and work around their sleep times.
But what if you have an important video meeting scheduled? Or really need to finish something that requires focus? Or simply need some time for yourself? Then we have to find a solution and TV offers that.
I don’t really like it when my children watch a lot of TV but these are exceptional circumstances and I think it is important that we as parents stay healthy of body and mind. And when children watch some TV you can safely do something else. So here are some of my recommendations, things that may even teach them something …
- Little Baby Bum on Youtube ( this is from any age that they can sit in a high chair properly) Nursery rhymes and kids songs. Perfect for learning to count, the ABC and lots of English songs. You can choose a compilation video based on time 🙂
- Daniel Tiger on Netflix (ideal for ages 3 and up, learning about pre-school, friendships, how to deal with anger, disappointment etc.)
- Cosmic Kids Yoga on YouTube. (ideal from ages 5 and up) Yoga videos with a story, for some daily exercise.
- The ESA (European Space Agency) has some great videos about space in 12 different languages.
- Educational YouTube videos on how things work. For instance this channel made by Jared Owen, where he explains many things related to space, but for instance also how escalators work. Just find something that interests your child and go 🙂
- ‘If I were an animal’ on Netflix, learning about animals and their behaviour
- Learning about animals and geography on National Geographic Kids.
- Explore Mars, the real surface of Mars as recorded by NASA’s Curiosity Rover.
- Visit The Louvre virtually.
- Explore, watch and learn with Dr.Seuss on this website.
I will update this list in the coming days. Of course you can also put on series like Peppa Pig, Paw Patrol, PJ-masks or Simon. These are all on Netflix and they just keep going… on and on and on.
Two more things. Turning the TV off can result in massive tantrums. I always announce that I will turn the TV off a little bit in advance. Tell them for instance that this is the last story of today and that the TV will take a rest after the end of this episode. A timer or hour glass also works to show them when TV-time is over. Or a promise of doing something together that your child really likes.
And for the really little ones, put them in an high chair and give them something to do as well. This can be a healthy snack to eat or some paper and crayons to colour with. This way they stay entertained longer and can’t get out. This last one is important as they will otherwise literally be glued to the TV 😉