So one of our boys got a little sick. Nothing too serious luckily but it was not nice for him. Or us…
See, this last month we finally got in the phase where they never wake us up at night anymore. Full nights of uninterrupted sleep for weeks in a row. It was heaven but this has made me more tired than ever, as my body is now realizing how much sleep it did NOT get in the last years (they are nearly 4…). Anyway, so Sunday night he woke us up and as we had no clue what to do anymore, he slept in our bed. Snored and sniffed in our bed is more accurate. I could not sleep at all anymore and eventually I put him back in his bed, but I was still wide awake for another hour.
Next night I thought he was better, as during the day he was completely fine. (Unlike me, I was sooo tired.) But he called out for us in the middle of the night. I arrived at his bed, still asleep, no lights on so I could hopefully solve it quickly and stay a Zombie. My son sat up, making noises as if he was about to throw up. I reacted very quickly to make sure he did not soil the sheets and reached for his potty further down the room. I only realised he had used the potty when I put it under his nose, as all the pee flew over my arm and on his bed. Aaaaargh! I am not kidding, this really happened. Zombie-mama was sort of awake now… and all wet and yukkie.
In the end he did not throw up, but I had to change his sheets anyway. His brotherslept through everything. Ten hours later I still feel like a zombie. Let’s hope tonight will be better.
Yes I guess this will seem like a funny story to tell later in life and embarass them in front of their first girlfriend 😉 I expect at least another three years of interrupted sleep and after that I might even have to learn how to sleep with my partner again…in both senses of the word…