Last month we started taking our boys to bilingual music lessons. I want them to develop a love for music and I was very happy to have found a music class for children from 3 years old. It is very surprising to see how much children can already pick up. Learning about rhythm and notes, trying out different instruments and learning some dance sequences. It’s absolutely great. There are two side effects to these music lessons though, that are worth mentioning: one very great, the other one…
See, the funny thing is that, since the lessons started, music suddenly is everything for one of our boys. The minute he comes home from school, he grabs his guitar and starts to sing songs and recites all the verses he learned in the last months. He mixes them up sometimes but there are at least 20 different ones in 3 different languages. And sometimes he even improvises and sings about what happened that day. It is really great to see how much he enjoys music. There is a smile on his face constantly when he holds his guitar. (Our other son is a little less interested but will sometimes play along.)
The other thing is that our boys now discovered YouTube… We had to look up some of the songs they danced to in the class and we found them with a video that showed the dance as well. But this also resulted in them realising we have a tablet, which we had managed to hide successfully from their lives for nearly 4 years…
So now we very often have to play the following videos because they want to do those dances. And from one song, they discover the next one and it never stops.. . So yes, I will share the videos here, because when I suffer, you all can suffer a little with me 😉
and the worst song in history: