Some parents are lucky. They have children that are perfect sleepers. Or they only had ‘nightshifts’ in those first months after birth to do nightly feedings.
Not everybody is that lucky. Our boys are nearly 3.5 years old and they still wake us up very regularly so we still suffer from disturbed sleep.
You don’t believe me? Well, let me make a list of the things that happen here in the middle of the night…
- A bad dream
- A lost teddybear
- A lost pacifier
- The blankets are on the floor
- They have fallen out of bed
- They need to pee
- They peed next to the potty by accident
- They forgot they needed to pee and wet the bed
- They want water
- They want milk
- They want something to eat
- They suddenly decide they want to play
- They want to ask if it’s morning yet
- They want to sleep in your bed
- They want you to sleep in their bed
- They want to sleep on the sofa
- They want a different blanket
- “There is a dog in the bed.” (Just to be clear, we don’t have dogs)
- Growing pains
This list keeps growing. It seems there are endless reasons for them to wake us up. And so the black circles around our eyes remain…